Showing posts with label burke. Show all posts
Showing posts with label burke. Show all posts

Monday, August 1, 2016

Day 55 - 8/1/16 Pickstown to Burke, SD

I stayed in a hotel last night and left at 6:00am to beat the heat.  It was already warm and humid before the sun came out so I thought I was going to be in a sweaty situation once it got later but, the heat never came.  If anything, it just got cloudier and cooler as the morning went on.  

Since I got to South Dakota, I've been noticing sunflowers growing on the side of the road.  They look just like the ones we used to have at work back home.  Some are large but some are real small and dainty.  Most of the ones I've aeen haven't bloomed yet.  On my ride today I saw plenty of these little guys growing between the paved road and the great big fields of grass but then, almost out of nowhere, I came across an entire field of 6 foot tall sunflowers, all yellow in bloom.


 I wanted so badly to just float up over them and just be cradled on their yellow petals.  They stretched into the hazy distance just like all the corn fields I've seen but, sunflowers are just incomparably beautiful next to corn and soy.  As I kept riding, a kind woman pulled over in her pickup truck, offering me a ride to the next town.  I could see the sign just over her truck saying Burke was just 7 miles away.  

She was trying to help me avoid getting caught in the rain but, in the back of my mind a little rain sounded pretty good.  I waved as she drove past me and sure enough, the rain came.  I doubt I'll shower tonight so I welcomed the 7 miles of rain like someone performing a rain dance.  

Taking cover in the only coffee shop in this 700 person town, I am amazed and curious as to what it would be like to live in a place like this.