Showing posts with label grand tetons. Show all posts
Showing posts with label grand tetons. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Day 64 - 8/10/16 Custer, SD to Newcastle, WY

It wasn't hard to find a service road that led right into Black Hills National Forest.  It's funny how many campgrounds I passed in this area when it's no big secret that National Forests are fair game for free camping.  Sure, there's no modern amenities but, for me, it's all I need.  Back on the main road my ride started by going downhill quite a bit.  I hate to complain about going downhill but, so early in the morning it was like taking a cold shower.  It certainly woke me up.  

Another beautiful ride filled with long hills and lots of switchbacks through the outer edge of the Black Hills brought me into Wyoming.  This is the 9th state on my journey which is kind of nuts.  

If I were home, I would be having that end-of-summer anxiety where work starts to get busy again and the warm weather is starting to turn cold and thoughts of that dreaded "W" word start to brew in the ol' brain.  But I'm not home.  I feel like summer hasn't even started yet.  Summer for me will be when I get to warm, sunny California.