Showing posts with label idaho. Show all posts
Showing posts with label idaho. Show all posts

Monday, September 5, 2016

Day 85 - 8/31/16 Lowell Campground to Orofino, ID

Last night was the last night all 5 of us would be together.  At Kooskia, the next town, the rest of the gang went South while I stayed North with a couple other cyclists that rolled into the campground after dark.  We had a fire and marvelled at the beautiful day of riding we all experienced; we waded in the river and drank from it and fell asleep beneath the stars that were above the haze of smoke in the sky.  

The temperature was too good this morning; we were all up early without freezing and shivering over our breakfasts.  Rides like yesterday are good to do with other people because you can talk about it afterward and still feel the excitement like when the embers from the campfire are still smoldering in the morning.  

The 7 of us, including Rachel and Brendan who came in late last night, headed for kooskia where our gang would split up.  But not before we all stuffed our faces with eggs and pancakes and some of us with butter in our coffee.  In Kooskia, the Lochsa River splits in 2 directions, the Clearwater River goes North while the South Fork goes in the obvious direction.  

So I took the Clearwater with Rachel and Brendan while Matt, Wally, Dave, and Marion took the South Fork with hopes we'd all see each other again, now knowing the mysterious ways of the road.  Rachel and Brendan needed to make it to Lewiston today in attempts to meet an encroaching deadline; I, on the other hand stopped just after 50 miles here in Orofino, back in civilization, back on my own to hammer out the last weeks of my ride.

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Day 83 - 8/29/16 Missoula, MT to Powell Campground, ID

I met a lot of people in Missoula; a lot of people that are heading in the same direction as me: West.  We all stayed at the same house in town and I was excited to have some company for the next couple days.  After starting the day with coffee and bagels with Hannah, I met Wally and Matt at the Adventure Cycling Association building, the company that publishes the magazine about bike touring, the reason why so many people go out and ride across the country; these people have been mapping it out for 40 years now.  Can I have a job, please?  

Matt, Wally and myself didn't hit the road til 12:00pm; Marion and his son, David left Missoula around 9:00am, another couple of East to West riders on the TransAm route.  The ride was nothing to write home about, flat, windy mountain roads, typical beautiful Montana, a little on the hot side.  We made it to Lolo Pass by 5:00pm, the leak of the "climb" (we really only went uphill for the last few miles).  

At the top, we crossed into Idaho as well as Pacific Time, a beautiful moment for us all.  From this point on, the next 70 miles or so were downhill so we didn't hesitate too long to roll down the other side of the pass 10 miles to the campground, enjoyinng the sites of a brand new state to all our eyes.