Showing posts with label pizza. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pizza. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Days 38, 39, 40 - 7/15/16-7/17/16 Chicago, IL

These days have been a blur, just as I expected.  I left Park Ridge on my bike Friday morning, brought it to Neil and Rett's place outside of the city to park it at their house for the weekend and waited for my friends from home to pick me up.  I was waiting on a street corner scribbling in my sketchbook when I heard, "hey cutie!" in a familiar voice.  I hopped in the car with Rosie, Ryan and Justine and I felt like I had seen them yesterday, not last month.  It's strange how you can just pick up where you left off with some people, like nothing really changes.  

It's a strange and wonderful feeling.  Pitchfork Music Fest was our destination.  Our other friend, Sam was playing with his band, The Hotelier on Sunday which is why this whole wonderful weekend took place.  Even though this was a vacation for us all (except Sam, I suppose) we were very busy.  So much delicious food to eat, sites to see, and good music to hear.  

I didn't know most of the acts besides Brian Wilson of The Beach Boys performing Pet Sounds (an unfogettable experience) but I knew my friends would guide me in the right direction to hear the best of the best (which they did!).  Pitchfork was my first 3 day music festival which is as much of an endurance test as it is a big outdoor party.  Within the boundaries of the 3 stages, thousands of people were listening, dancing, walking, sitting, laying down, getting high, getting drunk, talking, sweating, and trying to stay hydrated.  

It's tough out there and I always found myself relieved when the sun went down even though it meant another day with friends is now gone.  Could I pick a favorite act that I saw this weekend?  No, that's like picking a favorite piece out of the Art Institute of Chicago – the whole experience was overwhelming, even exhausting but, so magical and unforgettable in a hazy sort of way.  A few days without a bike between my legs and I practically forgot that I'm in the process of riding across the country.  Happy times and familiar faces are the best kinds of distractions.  Aside from the friends that drove from Boston to be here, I also got to see Daga, another friend from home out visiting his sister in Chicago and even my buddy, Bob who's parents I stayed with in Park Ridge.  

Nothing like seeing so many good people in your life so far away from home to reaffirm you're always in the right place at the right time.  My time here is winding down and I will soon be back to my usual routine of sweating all day, eating an excessive amount of peanut butter, waking up and going to sleep alone until I befriend some more kind strangers that become part of this journey.  I'm loving every minute of it.  I'm excites to see what I find along the road in the next couple months.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Day 35 - Chicago to Chicago, IL

No, it's not a typo and neither was yesterday's post.  I don't want to call these 'off days' because I'm technically riding and ending up in a different place for the night but, it just happens to be in the same city.  I did mention I'd be slowing things down but, it's almost time to pick things back up again!  I don't know what I'm more excited about, seeing my friends or continuing my trip. 

I guess these things have to happen in a certain order so, friends it is!  But man, am I ready to have a nice long day of riding.  I'm even more stoked after looking at some photos from Neil's first bike tour.  I'm staying with him and his girlfriend, Rett tonight.  Neil has plenty of experience with cycling and doing multi-week tours but, Rett just learned to ride a bike within the last 3 years and went on an 800 mile ride from Chicago to Skaneateles, NY!  

If that's not motivation to go out, try something new and push yourself, I don't know what is.  Numbering the days like I've been doing has been a very handy tool for keeping this long, strange trip somewhat organized.  It's nice to be able to go back and see what happened when and where and how many days and miles away things are from here and now.  When I try to think about what has happened without this trusty journal, the timeline seems like a tangled cord that I can't straighten out for the life of me.  Traveling day after day, seeing different things all the time, meeting new people does something to your perception of time.  

Neil even touched on that aspect of touring.  For him, after about 3 weeks on the road, a different mindset starts to set in.  I have the same feeling – you just become untethered, free from any set schedule other than taking care of your own needs as they come.  Not everyone has the opportunity to adopt this kind of lifestyle so I need to embrace the lack of structure and see what it can teach me.  Day after day, I feel more and more grateful and blessed for the situation I'm in.


There is no end in sight, no job or home waiting for me on the other side.  Every day is its own adventure when you're on the road (even if it's just for 10 miles) but someday, I don't care when, I will take the bags off my bike and have a place to leave them while I go out abd ride in a neighborhood I can call my own.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Day 28 - 7/5/16 Elkhart, IN - Day Off

So grateful for a day off.  Not that I'm tired from riding but, I just have a lot of time to kill and the more nights spend under a roof, the better.  I wasn't planning on visiting Chicago but, the timing is almost perfect enough for me to meet 3 of my best friends in the city to catch the Pitchfork Music Fest.  I say almost perfect because I'm a little ahead of schedule.  I'm only a couple hundred miles feom Chicago but I have about 10 days to kill before the festival.  It will surely be nice to take it slow and spend extra time in some places and stop and smell the roses along the way.